LIDAR is Too Valuable to Remain a Niche Luxury

Finally, every product at every price range can enjoy quality LIDAR capabilities

Removing the cost barrier & design complexity to unleash your LIDAR market potential

Improve margins, leap-frog competitors and accelerate time to market.

Enable mass deployment of robust LIDARS, even for your high-volume and mid-range platforms.
Incorporate our Soft IP into your EO sensors to yield higher performance using flexible design LIDARs that use low-cost lasers.
Offer attractively priced LIDARS without sacrificing performance. Accelerate time to market and enable mass deployments.

Our Market Enabling Paradigm Shift: From Laser Fixes to Sensor Physics

Innovators grappled for years to overcome the cost-barrier of high-end lasers essential for LIDAR - trying to improve hardware with complex engineering and integration of additional costly components.

Our team with 100+ years

of deep technology & sensor expertise applied an entirely new approach – using sophisticated physics to extract high performance from existing low-cost hardware.

Tervizio's multi-patented Shark Fin™ technology recognized the value in the natural Sensor Transient phenomenon (that when tracked appears like a shark fin) to capture its behavior with unique signal processing and calculate an accurate point within the long pulse width that basic lasers provide.

Tervizio’s Shark Fin™ technology

Only high-end lasers can generate the short laser pulses and accurate datapoints required for LIDAR.

Long laser pulses generated from basic low-cost lasers can’t differentiate depth layers and therefore be used for LIDAR.

Tervizio’s Shark Fin™ extracts the accurate data points that LIDAR requires, even from basic lasers with long pulse widths.

Tervizio’s Shark Fin™ technology

therefore finally brings critical LIDAR capabilities to entire product lines and new markets.

Design Simplicity & Cumulative Cost Savings

Finally, every product at every price range can enjoy quality LIDAR capabilities

Tervizio eliminates the need for high-end lasers and their costly complimentary components, complex integrations & intricate maintenance.

Simple laser
Low cost slow
Simple low
speed scanner
No expertise to assemble,
integrate & calibrate

Tervizio serves the entire LIDAR landscape, slashing product costs and time to market